It feels weird to be here on a Tuesday and not post any diptych photos, but the fact is that this was a one year project, and last week was the final week. I wanted to write some sort of a conclusion. No, not a conclusion, that sounds too emotion-less and that won't fit such a project. I wanted to write something that would sum up my entire experience through it all. This has truly been a wonderful year, one that has forced me to keep photographing week after week. But how did it all begin? I strolled down memory lane this morning on Facebook and stumbled upon the correspondence that has sparked the project...

Funny looking back at this conversation... Now after the year has concluded I can only say how glad I am we did it. I am so proud of both Laura and myself for being dedicated, for not quitting even when we were pulling our hairs out with frustration when we couldn't find what to shoot. I am thankful for everyone who has taken part with me throughout the project, everyone who posed, everyone who helped with the ideas, everyone who let me borrow their stuff their home their time. Thank you
Alina for all your help, and of course, thank you my love, my amazing someone, for standing by my side through it all. Thank you Laura for being my partner in crime. I couldn't have picked a better partner than you!
And thank you all, our blog followers, for being here week after week, for your comments, and for the love you've besotted upon us!
This isn't the end, I promise. Laura and I just need to figure out where we're headed and then we'll let you in on it ;)